But here is my interpretation for Superpixel algorithm in Java programming language. The computational process itself is iterative, but I am using the Cluster objects to make the algorithm slightly easier to understand and follow. Without objects, it could be slightly faster, I have not tried to code that kind of version myself.
Interesting things to try:
- change the proximity modifier 'm' from small to large
- change the cell size 'S' from small to large
- The algorithm does not ensure superpixel connectivity, thus the result may have orphan pixels from 'wrong' cluster inside of other cluster.
- This algorithm works in RGB color space, some other color space (Lab for example) could give you better end results.
- The distance calculation can be done also using "approximated" distance without square root calculations, for performance reasons.
Image segmentation in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_segmentation
SLIC Superpixels - http://ivrg.epfl.ch/research/superpixels
jSLIC code in the GitHub - https://github.com/Borda/ij-CMP-BIA
Example images
Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130
Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130
Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130
Example usage
Using command line
java popscan.Superpixel "C:\java\flamingo.png" c:\java\sp_flamingo.png 16 130
package popscan; |
import java.awt.Color; |
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; |
import java.io.File; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.Vector; |
import javax.imageio.ImageIO; |
/** |
* @author tejopa, 2014 |
* @version 1 |
* http://popscan.blogspot.com |
*/ |
public class Superpixel { |
// arrays to store values during process |
double[] distances; |
int[] labels; |
int[] reds; |
int[] greens; |
int[] blues; |
Cluster[] clusters; |
// in case of instable clusters, max number of loops |
int maxClusteringLoops = 50; |
/** |
* @param args |
*/ |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
if (args.length!=4) { |
System.out.println("Usage: java popscan.Superpixel" |
+ " [source image filename]" |
+ " [destination image filename]" |
+ " [cell width S (1-255)]" |
+ " [proximity modifier m (1-255)"); |
return; |
} |
// parse arguments |
String src = args[0]; |
String dst = args[1]; |
double S = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); |
double m = Double.parseDouble(args[3]); |
BufferedImage img = loadImage(src); |
Superpixel sp = new Superpixel(); |
BufferedImage dstImage = sp.calculate(img,S,m); |
// save the resulting image |
saveImage(dst, dstImage); |
} |
public Superpixel() { } |
public BufferedImage calculate(BufferedImage image, |
double S, double m) { |
int w = image.getWidth(); |
int h = image.getHeight(); |
BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(w, h, |
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); |
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
// get the image pixels |
int[] pixels = image.getRGB(0, 0, w, h, null, 0, w); |
// create and fill lookup tables |
distances = new double[w*h]; |
Arrays.fill(distances, Integer.MAX_VALUE); |
labels = new int[w*h]; |
Arrays.fill(labels, -1); |
// split rgb-values to own arrays |
reds = new int[w*h]; |
greens = new int[w*h]; |
blues = new int[w*h]; |
for (int y=0;y<h;y++) { |
for (int x=0;x<w;x++) { |
int pos = x+y*w; |
int color = pixels[pos]; |
reds[pos] = color>>16&0x000000FF; |
greens[pos] = color>> 8&0x000000FF; |
blues[pos] = color>> 0&0x000000FF; |
} |
} |
// create clusters |
createClusters(image, S, m); |
// loop until all clusters are stable! |
int loops = 0; |
boolean pixelChangedCluster = true; |
while (pixelChangedCluster&&loops<maxClusteringLoops) { |
pixelChangedCluster = false; |
loops++; |
// for each cluster center C |
for (int i=0;i<clusters.length;i++) { |
Cluster c = clusters[i]; |
// for each pixel i in 2S region around |
// cluster center |
int xs = Math.max((int)(c.avg_x-S),0); |
int ys = Math.max((int)(c.avg_y-S),0); |
int xe = Math.min((int)(c.avg_x+S),w); |
int ye = Math.min((int)(c.avg_y+S),h); |
for (int y=ys;y<ye;y++) { |
for (int x=xs;x<xe;x++) { |
int pos = x+w*y; |
double D = c.distance(x, y, reds[pos], |
greens[pos], |
blues[pos], |
S, m, w, h); |
if ((D<distances[pos])&&(labels[pos]!=c.id)) { |
distances[pos] = D; |
labels[pos] = c.id; |
pixelChangedCluster = true; |
} |
} // end for x |
} // end for y |
} // end for clusters |
// reset clusters |
for (int index=0;index<clusters.length;index++) { |
clusters[index].reset(); |
} |
// add every pixel to cluster based on label |
for (int y=0;y<h;y++) { |
for (int x=0;x<w;x++) { |
int pos = x+y*w; |
clusters[labels[pos]].addPixel(x, y, |
reds[pos], greens[pos], blues[pos]); |
} |
} |
// calculate centers |
for (int index=0;index<clusters.length;index++) { |
clusters[index].calculateCenter(); |
} |
} |
// Create output image with pixel edges |
for (int y=1;y<h-1;y++) { |
for (int x=1;x<w-1;x++) { |
int id1 = labels[x+y*w]; |
int id2 = labels[(x+1)+y*w]; |
int id3 = labels[x+(y+1)*w]; |
if (id1!=id2||id1!=id3) { |
result.setRGB(x, y, 0x000000); |
//result.setRGB(x-1, y, 0x000000); |
//result.setRGB(x, y-1, 0x000000); |
//result.setRGB(x-1, y-1, 0x000000); |
} else { |
result.setRGB(x, y, image.getRGB(x, y)); |
} |
} |
} |
// mark superpixel (cluster) centers with red pixel |
for (int i=0;i<clusters.length;i++) { |
Cluster c = clusters[i]; |
//result.setRGB((int)c.avg_x, (int)c.avg_y, |
//Color.red.getRGB()); |
} |
long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
System.out.println("Clustered to "+clusters.length |
+ " superpixels in "+loops |
+" loops in "+(end-start)+" ms."); |
return result; |
} |
/* |
* Create initial clusters. |
*/ |
public void createClusters(BufferedImage image, |
double S, double m) { |
Vector<Cluster> temp = new Vector<Cluster>(); |
int w = image.getWidth(); |
int h = image.getHeight(); |
boolean even = false; |
double xstart = 0; |
int id = 0; |
for (double y=S/2;y<h;y+=S) { |
// alternate clusters x-position |
// to create nice hexagon grid |
if (even) { |
xstart = S/2.0; |
even = false; |
} else { |
xstart = S; |
even = true; |
} |
for (double x=xstart;x<w;x+=S) { |
int pos = (int)(x+y*w); |
Cluster c = new Cluster(id, |
reds[pos], greens[pos], blues[pos], |
(int)x, (int)y, S, m); |
temp.add(c); |
id++; |
} |
} |
clusters = new Cluster[temp.size()]; |
for (int i=0;i<temp.size();i++) { |
clusters[i] = temp.elementAt(i); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param filename |
* @param image |
*/ |
public static void saveImage(String filename, |
BufferedImage image) { |
File file = new File(filename); |
try { |
ImageIO.write(image, "png", file); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
System.out.println(e.toString()+" Image '"+filename |
+"' saving failed."); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param filename |
* @return |
*/ |
public static BufferedImage loadImage(String filename) { |
BufferedImage result = null; |
try { |
result = ImageIO.read(new File(filename)); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
System.out.println(e.toString()+" Image '" |
+filename+"' not found."); |
} |
return result; |
} |
class Cluster { |
int id; |
double inv = 0; // inv variable for optimization |
double pixelCount; // pixels in this cluster |
double avg_red; // average red value |
double avg_green; // average green value |
double avg_blue; // average blue value |
double sum_red; // sum red values |
double sum_green; // sum green values |
double sum_blue; // sum blue values |
double sum_x; // sum x |
double sum_y; // sum y |
double avg_x; // average x |
double avg_y; // average y |
public Cluster(int id, int in_red, int in_green, |
int in_blue, int x, int y, |
double S, double m) { |
// inverse for distance calculation |
this.inv = 1.0 / ((S / m) * (S / m)); |
this.id = id; |
addPixel(x, y, in_red, in_green, in_blue); |
// calculate center with initial one pixel |
calculateCenter(); |
} |
public void reset() { |
avg_red = 0; |
avg_green = 0; |
avg_blue = 0; |
sum_red = 0; |
sum_green = 0; |
sum_blue = 0; |
pixelCount = 0; |
avg_x = 0; |
avg_y = 0; |
sum_x = 0; |
sum_y = 0; |
} |
/* |
* Add pixel color values to sum of previously added |
* color values. |
*/ |
void addPixel(int x, int y, int in_red, |
int in_green, int in_blue) { |
sum_x+=x; |
sum_y+=y; |
sum_red += in_red; |
sum_green+= in_green; |
sum_blue += in_blue; |
pixelCount++; |
} |
public void calculateCenter() { |
// Optimization: using "inverse" |
// to change divide to multiply |
double inv = 1/pixelCount; |
avg_red = sum_red*inv; |
avg_green = sum_green*inv; |
avg_blue = sum_blue*inv; |
avg_x = sum_x*inv; |
avg_y = sum_y*inv; |
} |
double distance(int x, int y, |
int red, int green, int blue, |
double S, double m, int w, int h) { |
// power of color difference between |
// given pixel and cluster center |
double dx_color = (avg_red-red)*(avg_red-red) |
+ (avg_green-green)*(avg_green-green) |
+ (avg_blue-blue)*(avg_blue-blue); |
// power of spatial difference between |
// given pixel and cluster center |
double dx_spatial = (avg_x-x)*(avg_x-x)+(avg_y-y)*(avg_y-y); |
// Calculate approximate distance D |
// double D = dx_color+dx_spatial*inv; |
// Calculate squares to get more accurate results |
double D = Math.sqrt(dx_color)+Math.sqrt(dx_spatial*inv); |
return D; |
} |
} |
} |
Hey, how have you defined a superpixel?Thx
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