Sunday, December 7, 2014

Superpixel algorithm implemented in Java

This Superpixel code has been stored on my hard drive for a year. Too bad, I have only very little time for my recreational image processing programming.

But here is my interpretation for Superpixel algorithm in Java programming language. The computational process itself is iterative, but I am using the Cluster objects to make the algorithm slightly easier to understand and follow. Without objects, it could be slightly faster, I have not tried to code that kind of version myself.

Interesting things to try:
  • change the proximity modifier 'm' from small to large
  • change the cell size 'S' from small to large

  1. The algorithm does not ensure superpixel connectivity, thus the result may have orphan pixels from 'wrong' cluster inside of other cluster.
  2. This algorithm works in RGB color space, some other color space (Lab for example) could give you better end results.
  3. The distance calculation can be done also using "approximated" distance without square root calculations, for performance reasons.
Image segmentation in Wikipedia:
SLIC Superpixels -
jSLIC code in the GitHub -

Example images

Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130

Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130

Values used: left S=16, m=130, right S=24, m=130

Example usage
Using command line

java popscan.Superpixel "C:\java\flamingo.png" c:\java\sp_flamingo.png 16 130


package popscan; 
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.Vector
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
 * @author tejopa, 2014 
 * @version 1 
public class Superpixel { 
    // arrays to store values during process 
    double[] distances; 
    int[] labels;  
    int[] reds;  
    int[] greens;  
    int[] blues;  
    Cluster[] clusters; 
    // in case of instable clusters, max number of loops 
    int maxClusteringLoops = 50; 
     * @param args 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        if (args.length!=4) { 
            System.out.println("Usage: java popscan.Superpixel
                        + " [source image filename]
                        + " [destination image filename]
                        + " [cell width S (1-255)]
                        + " [proximity modifier m (1-255)")
        // parse arguments 
        String src = args[0]
        String dst = args[1]
        double S = Integer.parseInt(args[2])
        double m = Double.parseDouble(args[3])
        BufferedImage img = loadImage(src)
        Superpixel sp = new Superpixel()
        BufferedImage dstImage = sp.calculate(img,S,m)
        // save the resulting image 
        saveImage(dst, dstImage)
    public Superpixel() {    } 
    public BufferedImage calculate(BufferedImage image,  
                                    double Sdouble m) { 
        int w = image.getWidth()
        int h = image.getHeight()
        BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(w, h,  
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
        // get the image pixels 
        int[] pixels = image.getRGB(0, 0, w, h, null, 0, w)
        // create and fill lookup tables 
        distances = new double[w*h]
        Arrays.fill(distances, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
        labels = new int[w*h]
        Arrays.fill(labels, -1)
        // split rgb-values to own arrays 
        reds = new int[w*h]
        greens = new int[w*h]
        blues = new int[w*h]
        for (int y=0;y<h;y++) { 
            for (int x=0;x<w;x++) { 
                int pos = x+y*w; 
                int color = pixels[pos]
                reds[pos]   = color>>16&0x000000FF;  
                greens[pos] = color>> 8&0x000000FF;  
                blues[pos]  = color>> 0&0x000000FF;  
        // create clusters 
        createClusters(image, S, m)
        // loop until all clusters are stable! 
        int loops = 0; 
        boolean pixelChangedCluster = true; 
        while (pixelChangedCluster&&loops<maxClusteringLoops) { 
            pixelChangedCluster = false; 
            // for each cluster center C  
            for (int i=0;i<clusters.length;i++) { 
                Cluster c = clusters[i]
                // for each pixel i in 2S region around 
                // cluster center 
                int xs = Math.max((int)(c.avg_x-S),0)
                int ys = Math.max((int)(c.avg_y-S),0)
                int xe = Math.min((int)(c.avg_x+S),w)
                int ye = Math.min((int)(c.avg_y+S),h)
                for (int y=ys;y<ye;y++) { 
                    for (int x=xs;x<xe;x++) { 
                        int pos = x+w*y; 
                        double D = c.distance(x, y, reds[pos],  
                                                    S, m, w, h)
                        if ((D<distances[pos])&&(labels[pos]! { 
                            distances[pos]         = D
                            labels[pos]            =; 
                            pixelChangedCluster = true; 
                    } // end for x 
                } // end for y 
            } // end for clusters 
            // reset clusters 
            for (int index=0;index<clusters.length;index++) { 
            // add every pixel to cluster based on label 
            for (int y=0;y<h;y++) { 
                for (int x=0;x<w;x++) { 
                    int pos = x+y*w; 
                    clusters[labels[pos]].addPixel(x, y,  
                            reds[pos], greens[pos], blues[pos])
            // calculate centers 
            for (int index=0;index<clusters.length;index++) { 
        // Create output image with pixel edges  
        for (int y=1;y<h-1;y++) { 
            for (int x=1;x<w-1;x++) { 
                int id1 = labels[x+y*w]
                int id2 = labels[(x+1)+y*w]
                int id3 = labels[x+(y+1)*w]
                if (id1!=id2||id1!=id3) { 
                    result.setRGB(x, y, 0x000000)
                    //result.setRGB(x-1, y, 0x000000); 
                    //result.setRGB(x, y-1, 0x000000); 
                    //result.setRGB(x-1, y-1, 0x000000); 
                } else { 
                    result.setRGB(x, y, image.getRGB(x, y))
        // mark superpixel (cluster) centers with red pixel  
        for (int i=0;i<clusters.length;i++) { 
            Cluster c = clusters[i]
            //result.setRGB((int)c.avg_x, (int)c.avg_y,  
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis()
        System.out.println("Clustered to "+clusters.length 
                            + " superpixels in "+loops 
                            +" loops in "+(end-start)+" ms.")
        return result; 
     * Create initial clusters. 
    public void createClusters(BufferedImage image,  
                                double Sdouble m) { 
        Vector<Cluster> temp = new Vector<Cluster>()
        int w = image.getWidth()
        int h = image.getHeight()
        boolean even = false; 
        double xstart = 0; 
        int id = 0; 
        for (double y=S/2;y<h;y+=S) { 
            // alternate clusters x-position 
            // to create nice hexagon grid 
            if (even) { 
                xstart = S/2.0; 
                even = false; 
            } else { 
                xstart = S
                even = true; 
            for (double x=xstart;x<w;x+=S) { 
                int pos = (int)(x+y*w)
                Cluster c = new Cluster(id,  
                        reds[pos], greens[pos], blues[pos],  
                        (int)x, (int)y, S, m)
        clusters = new Cluster[temp.size()]
        for (int i=0;i<temp.size();i++) { 
            clusters[i] = temp.elementAt(i)
     * @param filename 
     * @param image 
    public static void saveImage(String filename,  
            BufferedImage image) { 
        File file = new File(filename)
        try { 
            ImageIO.write(image, "png", file)
        } catch (Exception e) { 
            System.out.println(e.toString()+" Image '"+filename 
                                +"' saving failed.")
     * @param filename 
     * @return 
    public static BufferedImage loadImage(String filename) { 
        BufferedImage result = null; 
        try { 
            result = File(filename))
        } catch (Exception e) { 
            System.out.println(e.toString()+" Image '" 
                                +filename+"' not found.")
        return result; 
    class Cluster { 
        int id; 
        double inv = 0;        // inv variable for optimization 
        double pixelCount;    // pixels in this cluster 
        double avg_red;     // average red value 
        double avg_green;    // average green value 
        double avg_blue;    // average blue value 
        double sum_red;     // sum red values 
        double sum_green;   // sum green values 
        double sum_blue;     // sum blue values 
        double sum_x;       // sum x 
        double sum_y;       // sum y 
        double avg_x;       // average x 
        double avg_y;       // average y 
        public Cluster(int id, int in_red, int in_green,  
                            int in_blue, int x, int y,  
                            double Sdouble m) { 
            // inverse for distance calculation 
            this.inv = 1.0 / ((S / m) * (S / m))
   = id; 
            addPixel(x, y, in_red, in_green, in_blue)
            // calculate center with initial one pixel 
        public void reset() { 
            avg_red = 0; 
            avg_green = 0; 
            avg_blue = 0; 
            sum_red = 0; 
            sum_green = 0; 
            sum_blue = 0; 
            pixelCount = 0; 
            avg_x = 0; 
            avg_y = 0; 
            sum_x = 0; 
            sum_y = 0; 
         * Add pixel color values to sum of previously added 
         * color values. 
        void addPixel(int x, int y, int in_red,  
                int in_green, int in_blue) { 
            sum_red  += in_red; 
            sum_green+= in_green; 
            sum_blue += in_blue; 
        public void calculateCenter() { 
            // Optimization: using "inverse" 
            // to change divide to multiply 
            double inv = 1/pixelCount; 
            avg_red   = sum_red*inv; 
            avg_green = sum_green*inv; 
            avg_blue  = sum_blue*inv; 
            avg_x = sum_x*inv; 
            avg_y = sum_y*inv; 
        double distance(int x, int y,  
                int red, int green, int blue,  
                double Sdouble m, int w, int h) { 
            // power of color difference between  
            // given pixel and cluster center 
            double dx_color =  (avg_red-red)*(avg_red-red) 
                                + (avg_green-green)*(avg_green-green) 
                                + (avg_blue-blue)*(avg_blue-blue)
            // power of spatial difference between 
            // given pixel and cluster center 
            double dx_spatial = (avg_x-x)*(avg_x-x)+(avg_y-y)*(avg_y-y)
            // Calculate approximate distance D 
            // double D = dx_color+dx_spatial*inv; 
            // Calculate squares to get more accurate results 
            double D = Math.sqrt(dx_color)+Math.sqrt(dx_spatial*inv)
            return D


David said...
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Jürgen said...

Hey, how have you defined a superpixel?Thx